"Chalk" talks (whiteboard only, no slideware) on conceptual issues in biological systems. Open to all.
To join the mailing list or for more information, contact jeremy (at) hms.harvard.edu
Due to the COVID19 pandemic, theory lunch has transmogrified into theory zoom until further notice.
To receive zoom details, you need to be on the theory lunch mailing list.
Please send an e-mail to jeremy (at) hms.harvard.edu to join the list.
Information for zoom participants.
Please join zoom under your own name, so that we know who is there and who is asking a question.
Please keep your video on, if possible, to help the speaker feel more connected to the audience, and your audio muted.
Questions may be asked at any time but if your video is off, please make yourself visible when you ask them.
The talk will start at 12.30pm US Eastern Time. Zoom will be open from 12 noon; feel free to join after that time.
Why not bring some lunch, talk to other participants and keep the spirit of the old Theory Lunch alive?
Zoom recordings, if available, are accessible through abstracts
12.30-2pm (US Eastern Time), on most fridays during term
Virtual Cell Program
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