Virtual Cell Program

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Tue 28 Feb 2023
3pm, WAB 563

Peter Veerman
Dynamics of chemical reaction networks



Theory lunch

Theory lunch is held on Fridays at 12 noon, normally in Room 563 of the Warren Alpert Building at HMS. A catered lunch is provided and is followed by a "chalk" talk (whiteboard only, no slideware). The talk usually starts around 12.20pm. It officially finishes at 1.30pm but discussion often continues beyond that.

The talks can be on any biological subject that might be of interest to theoretically minded people, including, but not limited to, on-going work, off-the-wall ideas, a recent paper, an interesting proposal, etc, with vigorous but friendly audience participation. All are welcome but continued failure to participate in the discussion are grounds for disapproval (ie: come, eat, talk).

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